The Man, The Mission, and The Movement


Darryl “Mr. Darryl” Badley Jr. is the founder and CEO of Christian Warrior Radio Network Inc and Executive Director of the CW Radio Foundation Inc. In his role at Christian Warrior Radio Network, Mr. Darryl’s primary objective and the reason for the network of radio stations is to “Provide Information and Inspiration to Those We Serve.” This is done by providing community supporting programming and Christ centered music which is his passion. His role with the CW Radio Foundation is to further serve the community and those who are less fortunate with programming and initiatives that seek to empower and inspire people of all walks of life.

Mr. Darryl is a proud 100% disabled Army veteran who has dedicated his life to continuing the mission and the pledge that he gave when he graduated from Wickliffe High School in Wickliffe, Ohio 1993 to protect and serve. He has been formally educated at the University of South Carolina in Vocal Education as well as at Virginia State University in Mass Communications where he learned how to use his thunderous deep bass voice. He is also is a certified corporate trainer and serves in this capacity as a keynote speaker as well as a radio personality

Mr. Darryl is the father of 7 children as well as hundreds of people who see him as a father figure and mentor. His lifelong goal is to spread happiness and Gods Love to as many people as he can as long as he can.